Friday, December 2, 2022

Father's Dilemma

Every Father goes through an emotional roller coaster…

juggling between things...

trying to find a balance in everything…work……friends...

To begin with...

Transition to Parenthood…how to change diapers…what clothes to buy…so many questions…importantly so many things that might get screwed..

Guilt of missing your kids first giggle..

Guilt of not being able to provide enough Money to take care..

Guilt of leaving the Partner alone to deal with issues at Home..

The difficult thing…being a Father is that

Everybody wants it now!..The kids want it now!..The wife wants it now!..

The job wants it now!..The opportunity is now!


Your early years are your earning years

If a Man…Is at Home all the time…

And if he is bread winner...

That’s a bad sign …

The difficult thing…being a Father is that

You can never get it 100%

If I give Time…we don’t have Money

If I give Money…we don’t have Time

I can’t be there with you my Kid and earn a living at the same time

My wife says..have Patience..

When I asked Patience…Patience asked me more Time..

The difficult thing…being a Father is that

I am limited and

I have an Obligation…to make sure

My Kid, your life has to be better….Than mine

That’s the real Essence of a Father’s Life…


Jai Jagannatha

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Unsaid Stories .. need to be written .. !!


An unsaid story unfolds in the glossy meadows of thy vision, visible in a vivid palette of colors and characters.

Each blink is a refresher that spawns new fragments, attaching themselves to the narrative in luminous perfection.


They all remind you, that you are alive,

that you have the opportunity, to see the multitude of events, unfold before your very eyes —to see many blooms one at a time.


Maybe it’s just an ask, you should slow down, stop even —and let this moment hit you in the face, with a splash of colors, a splash of perspective.


Unsaid stories, Unsaid thoughts, Hidden feelings, can be in the depths of the mind that might be trying to escape a million times,


Incomplete stories aren’t lost opportunities, as every dawn has a new beginning…

And how can you bid adieu when the magical buddies around keep you guarding...

Stop the meandering madness in life and squeeze out time to speak and express the unsaid…



Jai Jagannatha..

Monday, November 7, 2022

Reminiscence of the unforgotten glory


Odisha is soaked with a rich ancient maritime history. Traders known as Sadhabas used to sail off in huge boats called Boitas from the ports of Odisha to the distant ports of Bali, Java, Sumatra, Borneo (Indonesia) and Sri Lanka to trade silk fabrics, spices, perfumes and diamonds from Sambalpur river beds (Hirakud’s name origin proves it). The then Sadhabas, would take advantage of favorable winds and sea currents in the winters to sail their Boitas to distant lands. Their expeditions would traditionally begin on the day of Kartika Purnima, which usually is the full moon day in the month of November.


The Sadhabas were given hearty von voyage for the safe passage and well-being before the onset of their expedition by saying “Aa Ka Ma Bai……………” which symbolizes the Odia months i.e. Asadha, Kartika, Margashira & Baisakha. While the period from Asadha to Kartika was the season of outgoing journey and Magha to Baisakha was considered to be the season of return. Those days are gone now, but the memory is still alive. 


The memory of those expeditions are kept alive in the festival of Boita Bhasani & Bandana, and to reminiscence the unforgotten glory of the Sadhabas of ancient Odisha, miniature replicas of the sea faring boats are made. Men and women dress in traditional costumes, light lamps in the boats and afloat them at their nearest water body. 

A fair called Bali Jatra (“Journey to Bali”), is held and celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm on the banks of the Mahanadi River at Gadagadia Ghata in Cuttack. It’s an extravaganza of eight days that begins from day of Kartik Purnima.

More than 1000 kiosks showcase ethnic goods along with modern gadgets, food stalls and lot more, drawn from across the state and outside. Thunka Puri and Dahi Bara Aludum are the major gastronomical delights that attract many.

Happy Kartika Purnima to all of you..!!

Jai Jagannatha

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Lives goes on giving


In pursuit of harmony between home, work and life

We have a build a strong community, to not forget to laugh and smile.

My dear Friends don’t be martyrs and forget perfections…

As life is not about resisting all these cacophones..


Everyday as we feel getting older..

Life keeps on moving faster..

It hurts to feel like time is running out.

How do we take a pause to savor a moment before it’s lost.


We all chose day one and not one day…

What we were amazed, that we enjoyed the journey more than what happened on D Day..


Life is wide canvas that has a lot of disparate emotions

We all tried to put it together with a beautiful Sonnet of connections..


Cheers …


Jai Jagannath

Sunday, August 14, 2022

47 हूँ मैं 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा दिन भर की देशभक्ति.........फिर तारीखों में खो जाऊंगा


47 हूँ मैं 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा

दिन भर की देशभक्ति, फिर तारीखों में खो जाऊंगा

बंटवारे का कलंक लिए मैं फिर सो जाऊंगा

कौन-किससे आज़ाद हुआ, क्या कभी खुद से पूछ पाऊंगा ?

47 हूँ मैं, 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा

विद्या को; लक्ष्मी के आधीन देखता हूँ

खुद से ज्यादा' कलम के व्यापार को स्वाधीन देखता हूँ

बिक रहे हर चौराहे पर सोने की पुस्तक देखता हूँ

विद्यार्थियों में विद्या कम विलास के दस्तक देखता हूँ

न जाने कब? फिर टैगोर जैसे गुरु, एकलव्य जैसे शिष्य देख पाऊंगा

47 हूँ मैं, 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा

बीमारी से ज्यादा, इलाज़ के खर्च से डर जाता हूँ

अक्सर स्वस्थ हो जाने पर भी कर्ज़ से मर जाता हूँ

हर एक दवा की गोली में सोना नज़र आता है

खाऊँ तो लेनदार, न खाऊं तो मुर्दा नज़र आता है

और कब गरीबो को शिक्षा-स्वास्थ का हक दे पाऊंगा

47 हूँ मैं, 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा

अब भी मीलों, घड़े भर पानी को तरसते देखा है

कभी दो रोटी दो वक्त की, तो कभी भूखे पलते देखा है

कभी चिलचिलाती धूप की किरणें, तो कभी बारिश की बूंदे टपकते देखा है

जाने कबतक उनको रोटी, कपड़ा, मकान दे पाऊंगा

 47 हूँ मैं 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा

संसद हो या विधान सभा ,कबतक इनसे यह खंड चलाऊंगा ?

नागरिको को कब उनका फर्ज याद दिलाऊंगा

क्या तुम भ्रष्ठ नही? किस किस से पूछ पाऊंगा

मैं तो खंड खंड हुआ तुम्हारे लिए ही,

और कितने सालों तक तुम सबको समझाऊंगा

47 हूँ मैं 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा 

47 हूँ मैं 15 को 75 का हो जाऊंगा दिन भर की देशभक्ति .....फिर तारीखों में खो जाऊंगा

Saturday, July 30, 2022

We all are connected...

We all are connected,

We are a family, we live on the same boat on Life’s river,

Its crew constantly change, but the direction and momentum never glimmer.

We all sail these deep waters together,

We have seen the sun, that let its love and warmth kiss our insolence,

We have seen the moon-light sky, that sprinkles ebullience along uncounted stars.

We know pain and we know suffering,

And still, we set the sails forward, even when time seems not moving.

We are still crewmen, each our own captain,

Each on the search for our purpose, fighting the rain and the wind and the current.

And yes we are fighters, but most of all we are family,

Living on a boat that never dies, sailing for eternity.

We all work to guide its sails, to find our place in the circle of life..

Through despair and hope, through faith and love..

As we may start at the end and but then every end is new beginning...


But all such journey needs fuel and refuel

So pals…. Let’s meet to live, smile, laugh and rejuvenate…

Jay Jagannatha..