Saturday, July 30, 2022

We all are connected...

We all are connected,

We are a family, we live on the same boat on Life’s river,

Its crew constantly change, but the direction and momentum never glimmer.

We all sail these deep waters together,

We have seen the sun, that let its love and warmth kiss our insolence,

We have seen the moon-light sky, that sprinkles ebullience along uncounted stars.

We know pain and we know suffering,

And still, we set the sails forward, even when time seems not moving.

We are still crewmen, each our own captain,

Each on the search for our purpose, fighting the rain and the wind and the current.

And yes we are fighters, but most of all we are family,

Living on a boat that never dies, sailing for eternity.

We all work to guide its sails, to find our place in the circle of life..

Through despair and hope, through faith and love..

As we may start at the end and but then every end is new beginning...


But all such journey needs fuel and refuel

So pals…. Let’s meet to live, smile, laugh and rejuvenate…

Jay Jagannatha..